Vite is basically the united nations of JavaScript at this point. I'll be there as a representative of Sveltelandia
Each and every time I use Vite, I feel a true sense of pure and unbridled joy.
It’s also a great platform to build a framework on since it provides a pluggable dev environment.
Community is amazing too.
Every time I suspect I've hit the bounds of what Vite can do, I end up being wrong.
Vite has been a game changer for the industry.
I am so excited to see so many great frameworks teaming up on top of vite. So many will benefit. ❤️ to the vite team.
Vite is gonna eat the (JavaScript) world.
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, Vite is..... Vite is.... Wow 🤤🤯🙏